The St. Margaret’s Chorister Program provides a fun and transformational musical experience for children and youth, regardless of religious affiliation or background. ALL ARE WELCOME! Choristers sing together and in separate groups (Cherubim grades K-2 and Seraphim grades 3-5), and when they reach grade 6 may join the Adult Choir in consultation with the Director of Music on a case-by-case basis. Choristers receive a fine musical education led by a team of dedicated and accomplished professionals in a fun and nurturing setting, utilizing the acclaimed RSCM Voice for Life scheme that focuses on age-appropriate vocal training, sight-singing, music theory, and worship leading. Fun and challenging repertoire is programmed for worship that puts into practice the musical skills taught. Choristers also develop skills that last a lifetime, while fostering growth in other areas, including: leadership, commitment, focus, attention to detail, patience, teamwork, camaraderie, responsibility, and a love for service. Rehearsals are on Mondays and Wednesdays as scheduled at 5:15pm (pick one). In addition to leading evening services during regularly scheduled rehearsals, they sing for several Sunday morning 9:00am services.
(photo: Chorister Festival, Washington National Cathedral)