"Marriage is intended by God for mutual joy, for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity..." --The Book of Common Prayer
One of the most challenging and rewarding of human relationships, marriage is meant to be lived out in a community of faith where we can support and nurture one another as we seek to grow in love, forgiveness, justice, and compassion. By choosing to be married at St. Margaret’s Church, you become part of our church community and affirm that you share in our commitment to support each other now and in the future.
Marriage at St. Margaret’s is performed within the tradition of the Episcopal Church. Only the "Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage” as contained in the Book of Common Prayer may be used as a liturgical form for the service and the final decision relating to all elements of the service rests with the St. Margaret’s clergy person who will serve as the officiant. To assure the uniqueness of each service and the participation of the couple in the design and execution of their wedding service, each couple is asked to specify:
the readings and/or lessons they desire
whether or not they desire the Holy Eucharist; and
what music (hymns, processional and recessional music, soloists, etc.) they would like incorporated and a number of other particulars relating to the conduct of the service. These determinations are not terribly time-consuming and they can be explored in consultation with the clergy.