Feeding the Hungry
St. Margaret's is fortunate to be able to support the hungry in our community through numerous sources. Light House in Annapolis St. Margaret's has had a long history with the Light House organization in Annapolis. In 1989, the Light House was started by local churches to help meet the needs of the homeless in downtown Annapolis after the Christian Workers Soup Kitchen on West Street was destroyed in a fire. To help fill the void left for housing for the homeless in downtown Annapolis, an immediate respite consisting of six cots were set up in the lobby of St. Anne's Parish House on Duke of Gloucester Street. Several weeks later The Light House, formerly known as Annapolis Area Ministries, Inc. (AAMI) became incorporated with a membership of six area congregations. St. Margaret's financially supports the organization annual and a member of St. Margaret's serves on the organization's board. SMC volunteers provide meals to the shelter the fourth Sunday evening of the month. To find out more and to volunteer, contact: Beth Arruda. West Annapolis Pop Up Pantry This effort was started by Amy Marshall and Diana Love to address a gap in services for members of their Annapolis community who faced COVID-19 and food vulnerability without jobs, social services, or other financial support. The West Annapolis Pop Up Pantry collects food and funds to donate groceries directly to families in need. Distribution is now twice a month. We have partnered with Annapolis Community Foundation, a 501C3, to collect and distribute funding. Go to https://www.facebook.com/WAPantry/ for more information. https://www.facebook.com/annapoliscommunityfoundation/). To find out more and to volunteer, contact Barbara Marder, [email protected]. My Brother's Pantry My Brother’s Pantry, located in Arnold on College Parkway, provides well-balanced, non-perishable food every month to those on the Broadneck Peninsula who need a little extra help making ends meet. Volunteers from St. Margaret's and other area congregations collect donations, shelve food, and pack and distribute food boxes. Local churches take turns for one or two months each year managing all bagging and delivering food for approximately 150 local families. Volunteers are needed to collect, pack, and distribute the food items. To find out more and to volunteer, contact Russell Jackson, [email protected]. |